(PM) Motorola (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 06:55:20 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Scott Rothgaber shaped the electrons to say...
>For the first time, I have a customer that cannot get 56K speeds. He's
>using a Motorola Modem Surfer 56K, and he says he can connect to other
>services in the 45-50 range. Here, he only gets 28.8.

Have you made sure he has 1.0 or higher firmware?

>One other odd note: He says that only here does he get that tone that
>occurs just before negotiation (I thought that was the PM3 checking modems
>for 56K). According to him, the other services that he has tried do not
>have this tone.

K56Plus did not have the tone, K56Flex does. So he may well be calling
into a server that runs old Rockwell code and getting a K56Plus link.


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