(PM) "badeedeedeep! We're sorry, all circuits are busy now..."

David Raistrick (keen@ssns.c-plusnet.com)
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 22:12:05 -0500 (EST)

"...please try your call again later."


We've put in a million trouble reports to Ma Bell, and are waiting for a

This happened first a few days ago, and we figured it to be an isolated
event, perhaps due to local construction..The day before, our data T1 was
killed, also..

Since then, it has been happening rather randomly....Every few calls to
the PM3 result in this message, with normal ring infront of it.
(Pm3, pri, ComOs 3.7.2c3 (I think, that latest release...sorry, i've been
on a mental vacation of late, cant remember a thing....:) )

Anyhow...I do not see any way the PM could cause this error, but am
tossing it at you folks for ideas anyhow..

Anyone have any clues as to why this would happen?

(btw: I >KNOW< the PM is not over loaded, we only have 10 customers, 13 if
you include staff accounts. Average ~2 connections at any one time..)

Thanks a bunch folks...

...david, Communications, Plus

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