(PM) A slightly newer Standard

Dennis D. Baker, Jr (dbaker@deltech.net)
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 00:27:31 +0000

Has anyone had the chance to get the scoop on the v.90 craze?

This was just forwarded to me from one of my users. Thought you folk might like

to read this if you havent already.

3Com first to ship

standardized fast modems

By Jim Davis

Staff Writer, CNET NEWS.COM

February 17, 1998, 5:30 p.m. PT

3Com (COMS) today became the first

vendor to ship a 56-kbps modem based on

the new international standard.

Meanwhile, 3Com and longtime arch-rival

Rockwell Semiconductor (ROK) appear to

have finally settled their differences, saying

they have finished testing that ensures

56-kbps modems from both companies are


But just because the modems work together

now doesn't mean that the one-upsmanship

that has characterized the modem industry

throughout 1997 is over.

3Com is claiming the bragging rights as the

first vendor to ship 56-kbps modems for

consumers based on the newly minted "v.90"

industry standard. The v.90 specification was

adopted just over a week ago by the

International Telecommunications Union,

ending nearly a year of fighting between

Rockwell and 3Com's incompatible modem


Rockwell last week said it was first to ship

software updates for the v.90 modems to its

commercial customers, companies such as

Ascend and Hayes. In turn, they are expected

to ship upgrades to ISPs (Internet service

provider) and consumers by late February or


Last year, 3Com and Rockwell fought tooth

and nail to promote their incompatible x2 and

K56flex 56-kbps modem technologies,

respectively. But today both agreed at a

press conference that modems which can

connect to each other is the best strategy for

the industry.

"All of the energy that 3Com has been

channeling into the promotion of x2 is now

being channeled into the promotion of v.90.

There is a tremendous amount of energy

behind a standard that we believe will make

a consumer's life much easier" and will also

make the modem industry grow, said John

McCartney, president of the Client Access

Business unit at 3Com.

Dwight Decker, president of Rockwell

Semiconductor Systems, agreed. "This is a

significant step for the modem industry after

a difficult 1997," he said.

Difficult indeed. The major modem

manufacturers have been offering modems

since early 1997 that can deliver data at up

to a theoretical limit of 56 kbps, about twice

the speed of widely used 28.8-kbps

modems. But most modem companies

struggled as some potential buyers sat on

the sidelines waiting for the standards battle

to play out. (See related story)

Even now, analysts don't expect consumers

to jump right into the market until their ISPs

have finished upgrading to the new 56-kbps

technology, an event that could be 8 to 12

weeks off.

The good news is that users finally aren't

locked into a single, proprietary standard.

Rockwell says its new chips will allow any

modem to connect using either the v.90

standard or the older K56flex technology,

and 3Com's modems can connect using

either the v.90 standard or the X2


3Com says information on software

upgrades for older modems should be

available to consumers by the end of

February. A number of ISPs, meanwhile, are

already testing 3Com's software on their

systems, the company says.

Somehow it seems a bit slanted, but just curious as to if anyone may have an idea as to when

we might see this supported by the COMOS for PMs?

I'm terrably sorry for the bad text formating... Flame me if you will.... :-)


Dennis D. Baker, Jr. Providing High Quality Internet Service to

V.P. Southwest Louisiana and working towards a

DelTech Industries, Ltd. better Internet Community.


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