(PM) Strange things.

jason (jason@nctc.net)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 09:10:47 -0600

I am new to the Portmaster scene and have been following the recent threads.
I have a question. We just got a PM3 here with 24 56k digital modems. This
replaced our USR Sportsters 33.6 modems going thru NT RAS. Now I am getting
calls from a lot of people complaining that they cannot get on. They dial
up, the PM3 answers and during the Verifying Username and Password phases
(99% are windows users using MS Explorer) the PM3 disconnects them. Now it
is only happening to maybe 15% of the users, everyone else is getting on ok
for the most part. We have also had some ppl complain that the speeds have
dropped from like 31-34 kbps to down to 21-26. Any thoughts?
PM3 3 8-port K56Flex cards
ComOS 3.7.2c3
Chan T1 PRI (it's only using 20 channels at the moment)
We are also the local TelCo so I'm pretty sure the line stuff is ok, but ya
never know.

Jason Roblyer
Nebraska Central Telephone Co.

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