(PM) [2E30] Serial Line Load Balancing

Mike Taylor (taylor@syrinx.jeffnet.org)
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 11:28:40 +0000 ( )

We, as an isp have decided to bag the idea of 56k. We decided to wait for
xDSL (uswest land). However, as a marketing plan I want to announce that
we support "Serial Line Load Balancing" ala EQL. Of course we know that
only linux users can currently do this. I want to announce that we
support 67.2 dial-in (2 x 33.6). This sounds a lot better than 56k even
if most users can't use it.

Before we make the announcement I would like to know a few things.

First, does anyone have a nice explanation of SLLB I could send to users.

Second, will MLPPP (MPPP, or whatever you wanna call it) be available for
the PM2 anytime soon, for serial lines.

Third, does anyone have an EQL type driver or port for winblows, that
would actually allow my users to use SLLB.


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| mailto:support@friendly.jeffnet.org Voice # 800-876-8797 |
| http://www.jeffnet.org/support/ 541-734-3721 |
| Mike Taylor - JEFFNET Technical Director |

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