Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)

Blake Hudema (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 07:41:45 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, Don Lashier wrote:

> On 2/17/98, at 1:08 AM, Jeff Carneal wrote:
> >Actually, we've seen similar results here. We currently support both X2
> >and K56 and generally get better results from X2 customers. They're also
> >a TON easier to support...generally no firmware issues (ok, a few, but
> >nothing like K56), no init problems, etc. Also, the connect speeds from
> >X2 customers are a good 15-20% higher than what we've seen with K56 for
> >the most part. Say what you want about it being proprietary....
> >proprietary often works. Witness workstations.
> Curious that every comparative test I've seen puts X2 and K56Flex
> neck and neck afa connect speeds and performance, with K56Flex
> at an advantage on degraded lines.
> the ones who have love it.
> Isn't it really all a moot point anymore with standards around the
> corner?

I thought so too. However, interesting tho'
this article is coming out in the March issue of Boardwatch.

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