Re: (PM) Some additional news on 3.7.2c3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 05:06:33 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Robert Hanson shaped the electrons to say...
>one thing i dont like is...
>dial with modem into pm3 and get 28.8 to 31.2 most of the time.
>dial into AOL to an ascend max TNT and get 44k or faster every time.
>lines provisioned the same in the same city etc etc.

This is a completely invalid test. If you put a Max on the SAME LINE -
then it would be valid.

Remember, PCM modems are *extremely* sensitive to call routing, and you
can have two buildings next to each other where one gets PCM all the time
and the other never gets it.

Things like this happen all the time user can call ISP 1 and get PCM,
but calls ISP 2 and only gets V.34, but a second user gets exactly the

Of course, I'm also presuming you've checked the modem firmware and it
is 1.0 or higher. Otherwise what you are probably getting is a K56Plus
connection Rockwell-Rockwell, and that will never change.


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