Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)

Don Lashier (
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 23:36:18 -0800

On 2/17/98, at 1:08 AM, Jeff Carneal wrote:
>Actually, we've seen similar results here. We currently support both X2
>and K56 and generally get better results from X2 customers. They're also
>a TON easier to support...generally no firmware issues (ok, a few, but
>nothing like K56), no init problems, etc. Also, the connect speeds from
>X2 customers are a good 15-20% higher than what we've seen with K56 for
>the most part. Say what you want about it being proprietary....
>proprietary often works. Witness workstations.

Curious that every comparative test I've seen puts X2 and K56Flex
neck and neck afa connect speeds and performance, with K56Flex
at an advantage on degraded lines.

We've got no real firmware issues or init problems with
K56Flex, and *never* see connects below 40k. But the response has
been underwhelming. Less than 5% of our users have upgraded, but
the ones who have love it.

Isn't it really all a moot point anymore with standards around the


Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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