Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)

Jeff Carneal (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 01:08:45 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, Blake Hudema wrote:

> two peer technologies struggling for dominance for over a year. It is,
> unfortunately, not so, and V.90 probably won't change it. Average connect
> speed for x2 modems to x2 ports - long distance - was over 45kbps. K56flex
> was just over 30 kbps. These two types of modems are not even in the same
> class or comparable.

Actually, we've seen similar results here. We currently support both X2
and K56 and generally get better results from X2 customers. They're also
a TON easier to support...generally no firmware issues (ok, a few, but
nothing like K56), no init problems, etc. Also, the connect speeds from
X2 customers are a good 15-20% higher than what we've seen with K56 for
the most part. Say what you want about it being proprietary....
proprietary often works. Witness workstations.

> true basic cost of providing dialup infrastructure is. It's something less
> than $7 per customer. If we assume that the $19.95 price was correctly
> arrived at by market forces, then that leaves about $13 to cover marketing,
> support, and overhead. It's a bit shy of being all the riches of Crocius
> I'm afraid, but it's a "good" business potentially.

I fear Jack is leaving out a number of things considering who it is he's
talking about may cost IBM and MCI $7...but what does it cost
Joe Schmoe's ISP?

> 1. Price
> 2. Call Completion Rate
> 3. National Footprint
> 4. Connect Speed/modem match
> 5 Customer Service.

>From my experience, it's more like:

1. Price
2. Connect speed
3. CCR
4. Customer service
5. National footprint

Not to counter Jack, but hey...I'm in the business :)

> is a band of power users that would be all over that instantly. But after
> they are quickly absorbed, I think the entire industry will be surprised to
> see the numbers of Internauts that stick with dialup at $15-$20 over xDSL
> and Cable at $40. It will make headlines and come as a huge shock. But I
> think it is true.

Here I agree. I think those of you who service markets where cable modems
will as well...maybe not.

> So I see a lot of pressure to go national, and do it with someone who can
> complete calls.

Um...not really. I guess it depends on what your goals are...personally,
I think there are better things we can all do to both be more profitable
and provide better service. Unfortunately I can't share any of them with
this list :-)

  Jeff Carneal - Sys Admin - Apex Internet    (502) 442-5363

The opinions expressed above aren't really mine. They belong to someone else who also refuses to take responsibility for them.

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