(PM) IRX-114 Trouble

Jason Hatch (zone@berkshire.net)
Sun, 15 Feb 1998 10:24:37 -0500 (EST)

IRX-114, ComOS 3.7.3, 1 Meg Ram

Some bizarre things have been happening with my IRX-114 lately. Most
notably, are dropped telnet sessions, and dropped packets while telnetting
into the unit. I've been getting the following log messages in my
packet filter log:

Feb 15 10:19:37 router1.berkshire.net 1 deny: UDP frm_slifread(
unknown type = 0035

When telnetting into my IRX to look at my filter, I noticed something
strange: it would not print its login banner completely. Here's a
transcript of the session:

Reconnecting to %q ...

ComOS - Livin

At this point, I had to press enter to get a login prompt. It would allow
me to login, do a 'show sess', a 'show mem' but when I tried to view my
packet filter, it would hang when I pressed enter and later drop my
session. I tried this twice and it would let me perform other commands,
but each time I tried to do a 'show filter <filtername>' it would hang
when I pressed enter and later disconnect my session. I noticed another
thing showing in my packet filter logs about the time it was dropping me:

Feb 15 10:19:37 router1.berkshire.net 1 deny: host:

Does anyone have an idea of what could be causing this strange behavior?


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