Re: (PM) Take it Easy MZ (fwd)

Marcus Vogt (
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 21:26:17 +1100 (EST)


>> Once upon a time R Gibbons shaped the electrons to say...
>> > I know it's all been said before, but take it easy MZ.
>> >Good luck in your new position.

>> Thank you.

>> >Btw, Anyone taking over the Chair for Interstitial Affairs?

>> Well, Josh Richards is taking over running the lists. He's a really
>> good guy and is very sharp, so I think it'll work out. He'll probably
>> end up taking over the Chairmanship.

>$10 to the first person who can define "Interstitial Affairs"
>MZ, JDC and HP excluded.

Well interstice is from the latin Interstitium for "space between" according
to my trusty dictionary and is defined as:

1. an intervening space.
2. a small or narrow space between things of parts; small chink, crevice,
or opening.

So I suppose you could take "Interstitial Affairs" in this context as
taking responsibility for all those gaps between departments,
customers, etc. that would not get handled otherwise.

Says he stabbing blindly in the dark :)

Either way Megazone has been IMHO someone who goes above and beyond the
call of duty as a true professional - you don't see much of that these days.

Just in case it hasn't been said enough times already - thanks MZ.


Marcus Vogt
Computer Systems Engineer

Teksupport Pty. Ltd.
7 Warwick Avenue, Email
Springvale, Phone +61-3-9562-4577
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