Re: ISDN - was:(PM) 2 PM3's, not fully populated. (fwd)

David Giller (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 19:56:41 -0800

I'm not beating a dead horse here: I think you answered a slightly different
question than I asked:

MegaZone wrote:
> >two PM3s, and one is not populated (or underpopulated), I should make the
> >fully-populated box at the END of the chain of busy-forwarded PRIs? That
> No, I'd make it the first box in the chain.

But what I mean is, if my first box has say 48 modems, and I get 46
ISDN calls, and I start using the second box, and a modem customer calls,
I won't have any modems available to answer it. This is not an unlikely
scenario: we are ISDN-heavy during the day and modem-heavy at night.
During the transition, there will be lots of ISDN calls hanging onto
the first PM for hours while modem customers want on.

So from earlier in your response, you say:

> >box with modems, and the first 46 lines are used up, customers will get
> >busy signals, even though I have potentially thousands of $$ worth of modems
> No, they should not get busy signals if you have it setup properly.

I said we do mostly ISDN, but I'm talking about modem customers here.
If they get forwarded into my second PM3, which doesn't have any modems
in it, they'll get a busy signal, no matter how many unused modems are
available in my first PM3 (unused because it's handling mostly ISDN calls).
The first one certainly can't share its modems with the second one.

So my concern is that when my first PM3 has all its B-channels filled,
but free modems, those modems are inaccessible.

My question is, can I put my modems at the end of the pool, so that modem
users will get busy-forwarded to where the modems are, while ISDN calls
will be picked up on the first box, efficiently using my hardware

Setting up separate PRIs for 56k and ISDN completely defeats the purpose,
and doubles my (already absurd) telco bill.

David Giller - ( - (
    Graydog Internet, Inc. - Portland Internetworks
       Wide Area Networking - Internet - Intranet
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