Re: (PM) 2 PM3's, not fully populated.

Stephen Fisher (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 17:00:11 -0700

This is a *very* important issue from what I've seen.. A big advantage of
using PM3's or similar equipment is that each unit can take analog OR ISDN
calls on the same hardware. If an analog call comes in to a PM3 which ran
out of modems but not channels then it's terrible that it would just return
a busy for some people - it should get the switch to forward to the next
PM3 like Robert is explaining below.

Even worse, I don't think there is anything that can be done with CT1's :|.
As I understand it, there is no way to tell the switch to generate a busy
signal for the user if there are no modems available. Instead, it just
hangs there in dead air. Can't a busy signal at least be simulated by the
PM3 on the channel even if it doesn't forward it to the next PM3? This way,
the user would keep re-dialing since it was busy, not wonder since there was
just dead air.

On Thu, Feb 12, 1998 at 12:28:43AM -0500, Robert Boyle wrote:

> You MAY have an issue with the ISDN reject cause codes sent by the PM3 to
> the Telco. Lucent now sends Cause Code 17 (User busy) If your telco is
> setup to forward the call to the next PRI line when this reject code is
> received, then you should be fine. My telco (Sprint) wants to see Cause
> Code 44 (Network Congestion Requested Channel Not Available) so it doesn't
> work here in UTS/Sprint territory. When they receive a 17, they play the
> "All circuits are busy" message. :( You need to call your telephone company
> to see if they can modify it for you or if they already accept/expect CC
> 17. If anyone else is having the same problem, please open a ticket with
> Lucent. I don't think I'm the only one. This is NOT a Lucent bug, it's just
> that some phone companies expect different codes. RFE: The PM should be
> configurable to give the telco what it wants to make the rollover/forward
> work. Maybe something like:
> set line0 isdn-reject-code 17
> or a global option such as
> set isdn-reject-code 17
> If anyone has found a different work around or if anyone in UTS/Sprint has
> it working, please let me know.
> However, IF your telco accepts CC 17, it should work fine.

 - Steve
  - Systems Manager
  - Community Internet Access, Inc.
  - Gallup and Grants, New Mexico
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