(PM) Invalid state 3

Kendrick Myatt (myattk@datatek.com)
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 13:50:42 -0600

I'm suddenly getting the following when an ascend pipeline is
attempting to dial in:

S22 (11:1) Confirming Connect - 64Kbps / Data (b1 ref:7169)
S22 (11:1) DISCONNECT_ACK inavlid state 3
S22 (11:1) CALL_CLEAR
S22 (11:1) Confirming Connect - 64Kbps / Data (b1 ref:716a)
S22 (11:1) CONNECT_ACK - B1
S22 (11:1) DISCONNECT Normal Clearing
S22: Session Terminated - Lost Carrier
S22 (11:1) CALL_CLEAR

etc, etc, ad infinitum... This device has been working fine for
about a year, but now it seems to be just dialing and hanging up. It
never even gets into LCP negotiations (no 0x51 output)... Anyone
know what an "Invalid state 3" is? It seems that I have seen it
somewhere before, but I can't remember... Couldn't find it in the

Well, back to trying to figure this out...



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