(PM) Call Discrimination (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 23:10:59 -0800 (PST)

This should probably be on portmaster-radius.

Once upon a time Rick Foos shaped the electrons to say...
>1) In radius, I see where you can set a "Connect-Rate" for individual
>users. Can we tell the PM3, either from Radius or at the PM3 level, to
>only allow 56k and ISDN connections on that box?

RADIUS using Auth-Type = Reject and Connect-Rate. Say you want to deny
anything 33600 or slower:

DEFAULT Auth-Type = Reject, Connect-Rate = "33600"

>2) Can the PM3 see the number the customer dialed and allow/disallow
>connections based on the number he/she dialed?

Yes - if you have PRI. Later this will also be on CT1. It is
Called-Station-Id in RADIUS.

>Our current analog modem pool number is 933-1212.
>Our new PRI number would be ie 933-9000.
>If a customer with a non-56K modem dialed 933-9000, the PM3 would refuse
>the call.

Sure, NAS-IP-Address and Called-Station-Id

>If a customer with a non-56K modem dialed 933-1212 and it rolled into the
>PRI lines, the PM3 would see that he did dial 933-1212 and would accept
>the call.

This should work, as long as the telco does send the number they really
dialed. (I've seen one case where the telco CHANGED that and filled
in the rollover number - that would break it, but it is also bad behavior
on the telco's part.)

>If a customer with a 56K modem dialed 933-9000, the PM3 would accept the


It is all combinations of NAS-IP-Address, Called-Station-Id, Connect-Rate,
and different Auth-Types.


Lucent Remote Access Division - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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