Re: v.90 and K56Flex compat (was Re: (PM) modem compatibility (fwd)) (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 22:56:20 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Thomas Tsai shaped the electrons to say...
>When exactly will the V.PCM upgrade be available for the PM3? According

When it is ready. You should all know our policy by now. We do not
announce dates, and we don't ship until we can provide a robust solution.

Remember what happend with ComOS 3.7 and the first K56flex release because
you demanded we rush it? Would you like to go through that again?

I didn't think so.

Everyone is rushing products out before interoperability testing is even
well underway. This is going to be messy. I'll bet V.90 modems aren't
fully interoperable when they ship.


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