Re: v.90 and K56Flex compat (was Re: (PM) modem compatibility

Dave Stewart (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:06:42 -0500

At 02:42 PM 2/11/98 -0700, Stephen Fisher wrote:
>I'm glad and willing to wait for Lucent to release good solid code. Ascend
>and Rockwell have a history of jumping the gun and running into millions of
>problems.. USR probably isn't any better.

Same here... but imagine the support calls we're all going to get because
we don't support v.90.

Not to mention the bitchin' we're gonna hear due to interoperability
problems. As MZ put it, it's going to be a hell of a mess.

Here, we've decided we'll wait... we're probably not even going to jump on
the first ComOS with v.90 in it... at least, not the day it's released :)
We've asked our users to avoid running out and buying new modems (love
qpopper's bulletin feature), and to wait a while before they grab the
latest, greatest code release that claims to have v.90 support.

All this caution on our part may end up being unnecessary - but we'll see.

Dave Stewart
System Manager
Homenet Communications, Inc.
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