Re: v.90 and K56Flex compat (was Re: (PM) modem compatibility

Dave Stewart (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 16:03:54 -0500

At 02:08 PM 2/11/98 -0600, Thomas Tsai wrote:
>When exactly will the V.PCM upgrade be available for the PM3? According

Heh... you don't actually, honestly, truly expect that Lucent's going to
give you a date, do you? This has been hashed and rehashed on this list...
Lucent will release new code "when it's ready" and you should never even
think you might get a target date out of 'em (and this is as it should be).

Not only do they not give "might be available in the spring" type answers,
they're certainly not going to give an exact date.

Dave Stewart
System Manager
Homenet Communications, Inc.
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