(PM) locked out of PM want to get back in

Samudra E. Haque (haque@pradeshta.net)
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:54:01 -0600

Hi, due to some mysterious reason which we cannot understand, our
faithful portmaster is refusing the "!root" login no matter whatever we
try ... we did not change the password for a long time since
commissioning in early november, but are also puzzled that the system
was working fine until last night, after which it does not seem to
recognize the sysadmin account!!!! Needless to say, this is SERIOUS.

Is there a how-to or accepted practice to re-set the password from an
external source? Will this mean that we will have catastrophic failure
of service (ie., like pulling a battery out of the mainboard and waiting
for the CMOS to drain) or others?

Any ideas appreciated, but I still don't know why the password would be
changed..... we didn't do it.


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