Re: (PM) Name Server Info (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 19:03:47 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Mia's Virtual Post Office shaped the electrons to say...
>should I have my Name Server Configured into the global settings on the
>Portmaster? My upscale provider, told me not to when we started doing

I recommend at least a primary, if not primary and secondary. Not only
is this locally useful to resolve names, but they will be sent to Win95
dialin clients duing PPP.

> Default Host: <------------------------Should the name
>server be here or not?

No, this is setting of the default host for shell users to connect to.
I doubt you want them connecting to the name server.

> Name Server: <-------------------------Should the name
>server be here or not?

Yes. And the secondary too if you have one. (You should.)


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