Re: (PM) PM3 and Adtran (success or failure reports?)

Ron Parker (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 15:11:16 -0600 (CST)

I use the XRT and XLT regularly. I have an XRT at home as does at least
one student who uses our PM3s. They work fine for us here in SWB land
with PRIs.

Ron Parker
Network Communications Specialist
Brazosport College

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Christopher Masto wrote:

> I have a customer with an Adtran XRT who is having major problems with > connections to our PM3. If you know of anyone using one of these > successfully, or know of any problems (and hopefully solutions), I > would very much appreciate a short e-mail, so that I can at least tell > him whether it is known to work. I will summarize the results and > post them here for the archives. - To unsubscribe, email '' with 'unsubscribe portmaster-users' in the body of the message.