Re: (PM) Routing Question?

Daniel Camacho (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 00:02:19 -0800

I also have the same setup, but I have a question.

>Assume the first PM3 has the address x.x.x.x and the second y.y.y.y
>Just do a "set reported x.x.x.x" on the second PM3. Now both pretend to
have the same
>address. All customers can set x.x.x.x as default gateway on their dialup

What IP address is x.x.x.x? Is it the gateway hosts IP address?

>Please note that one of the drawbacks of RIP is the 30 secs announcement
interval. If you
>want, use OSPF instead!

How can I use OSPF to do the same thing? Thanks.


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