Re: (PM) Power filtering / UPS / Generators

Chris Trown (
Mon, 9 Feb 1998 10:58:39 -0800 (PST)

Jeff Northon sez
> Hi,
> Having been hit in the face with El Nino rain and wind caused the
> power to be off here for 9+ hours. We are looking for a solution
> to keep everything up for extended times. We have a New Honda 3500 watt
> electric start generator, but our UPS's, (APC's), are not thrilled
> with the Honda power. What can we do? An AC sine wave filter? Something
> else? We are looking at the Matrix 5000 and the Symmetra Power Array
> by APC. (Don't have a price yet but looks EXPENSIVE). We don't want to
> "over buy" a solution for the 2-3 days a year this kind of thing happens.
> Glad our PM3 uses only 30 or 35 watts!

We use Liebert UPS here. We have a building wide backup generator that
causes no end of distress to the couple remainign APC we have.

Before buying Liebert, we asked Cal. Office of Emergency Services(OES)
what they used. Apparently, they tried them all and the only one they use now
is Liebert.

We have stacks of them and they work flawlessly. Can't say that about the
APCs we have.


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