Re: (PM) Setting a "static" IP address to each modem? (fwd)

Peter Chow (
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 19:29:15 +0900


does this 1 to 1 port mapping only apply to CT1? Or is it good for PRI
as well?

We tested this with a PRI and PM3 running ComOS 3.7.2. Our telco configured
the PRI with 3 hunt groups, each hunt group for a separate services. So
users with accounts for hunt group #1 can't dial into hunt group #2, etc.
Our Radius server allows us to authenticate by user name as well as port

We found that the users dialing into hunt group #1 could end up on any
S-port. And MZ confirmed that there was no static mapping between DS0
and S-port. If what you are saying is true, does it mean I should re-run
my tests?

Paul White wrote:
> Actually, I will correct MZ incase he has not posted a follow-up.
> The PM3 does match the DS0 with the S port. So, DS0 = S0, DS1 = S1, etc.
> It is the modems which are in a hunt group.
> Paul W.
> On Thu, 29 Jan 1998, Rob Chandhok wrote:
> > At 9:10 PM -0800 1/28/98, MegaZone wrote:
> > >Note that in a PM-3 both the ports and modems are pooled - and seperately
> > >at that. There is absolutely NO link between modem #, port #, and DS #.
> > >
> > >The first DS0 may not always use S0, and S0 may not always use M0. This
> > >is deliberate to prevent single point of failure inherent in systems
> > >that bind services to specific HW.
> >
> > I have to admit, we've been using PM3s since they supported CT1, and I
> > always thought that each DSO channel was bound to a specific Sx. I
> > completely understand that the modems are assigned from the pool, but this
> > part I didn't know and frankly I have evidence to the contrary.
> >
> > I can tell when channels are turned up on our CT1 by doing a "show all" and
> > seeing byte traffic on the newly enabled channels. Any unused channels on
> > the CT1 always have zero bytes. This is completely reliable.
> >
> > Am I just drawing the wrong conclusion from the data?
> >
> > Rob

> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Paul H. White **** /
> ** ** / Lucent Technologies
> (800)458-9966 ** ** /___ Remote Access
> Fax: (510)737-2110 ** ** Division
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Peter Chow
Chief Technical Advisor
InterQ Inc.
Tokyo, Japan
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