(PM) Low Receive DB Levels and Performance

Jeremy Malli (jeremy@Vcn.Com)
Mon, 9 Feb 1998 00:27:20 -0700 (MST)

I've got a situation here I'm at a loss on. I have a new PM3, ComOS 3.7.2 (have also tried
3.7.2c3), CT1, B8ZS, ESF, Wink that i'm having some problems with. The config is exactly how
it should be (have 6 more PM3's in other locations). What i'm seeing is customers connecting
fine, even getting some K56Flex connections, but transfers are sporadic and the Win95 users
are having problems checking their mail, if their mailbox contains a substantial amount of
mail. Other locations are not having this problem. They are also getting sporadic transfer
rates. The only difference I've noticed is the Receive DB level on the CT1 on the PM3 at this
location is at -7.5 to -15db, whereas my other locations are all at +2db to -7.5db. Could low
db levels on a CT1 cause strange things to happen?

There is not a problem with the FR DS1 going back to my primary location; I've ruled it out
with testing.

The strange part is that Mac customers aren't seeing these problems, transfers are good,
pages come in quickly; The problem only seems to crop up with Win95 machines. How is it
possible that one platform could be effected by a DB line problem and not another?

Will call US West tommorrow and see if I can get the db levels up to normal.

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