Re: (PM) Multiple Logins - How to eliminate them?

Chris Adams (
7 Feb 1998 05:19:56 GMT

According to Brian Locascio <>:
>I have a question about multiple logins. We have several businesses who
>purchase one account and copy the info to about 20 employee computers.
>Then they all login and abuse our network by occupying more than one modem
>at a time.
>I am looking for responses, opinions, and possibly answers to the
>questions, "Using the PM3, is there any way to EASILY identify, track, and
>deter multiple simultaneous logins?"

Do what we do. Bill for each additional simultaneous access. We bill
$1/hour/additional connect. We have a few businesses that just buy one
account and pay the extra charge (often $50-$150 a month). Our billing
software doesn't count overlaps of under a set time (30 seconds) or bill
for total simultaneous usage of under 5 minutes (that weeds out
disconnects that don't immediately drop the modem). Out of a little
under 2000 users, we get as much as 600-700 hours a month of
simultaneous usage. After a month or so, the extra income paid for the
extra development of the tracking software.

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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