Re: (PM) Multiple Logins - How to eliminate them? (fwd)

Jeremy Anthony Kinsey (
Fri, 6 Feb 98 22:11:07 -0600

MegaZone uttered...

>Once upon a time Jeremy Anthony Kinsey shaped the electrons to say...
>>This is an answer most probably don't like to hear, but the solution is
>>quite simple:
>>Purchase a RADIUS Server that prevents it.
>Of which there is precisely *one* worth its salt today - Cistron RADIUS.
>Number two will be RADIUS ABM.

Number three would be MacRADIUS... Works like a charm and worth every
penny.. Also very easy to administer....

>Any RADIUS server that relies only on the RADIUS protocol to do this
>I will offer a blanket DON'T USE IT against. See the archives of
>portmaster-radius for my oft posted explanation/rant about why using
>only RADIUS is a half-baked solution.
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