Re: (PM) leasing ports off a PM 3 (fwd)

Chris Parker (
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 10:07:37 -0600

At 09:15 AM 2/5/98 -0600, Jake Messinger wrote:
>On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, MegaZone wrote:
>> That isn't what you asked. DNS - no. DNS is not assigned by RADIUS, it
>> comes from the PM's settings. And there is one set.
>> Different RADIUS serveres based on proxy info, sure.
>Well its cuz I changed my mind, in the middle of my thought. I dont care
>if they use MY dns servers. BUT, it is more important that I can "sell" a
>pool of 10 ports to another ISP who is to do their own radius. Is that
>simple to do?

You can't configure the Portmaster to authenticate specific ports from
a separate Radius server, much in the same way you can't configure it
to use a separate DNS server for specific ports.

The next version of the free-to-lucent-product-users Radius server, as
has been stated on this list, will do _realm_ authentication, which
allows you to proxy the authentication. Since they are actually
acknowledging it's presence in a beta form, one would imagine the
release date to be drawing nearer. But I wouldn't hold my breath for

The DNS issue, if you don't want other users beating up your DNS, could
be solved by having the portmaster configured to use a "caching" name
server. Set the cache size pretty high and you're good to go. Then the
only requests to hit your primary DNS server[s] would be queries for
your domains/ip's.

[ note, this also works nicely for remote pops that have a local
gateway as well as a link back to the central location... ]

But now I'm starting to ramble on, so I'll go back to my coffee. :)


   \\\|||///  \  Chris Parker: Systems Administration and Development
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                  \ Without C we would have 'obol', 'basi', and 'pasal'

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