(PM) Today's the day: v.PCM

Jeff Woods (jeff@delta.com)
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 09:48:54 -0500


v.PCM will be settled upon today. Does anyone know the timeframe for
Livingston to issue a firmware upgrade for PM-3's to allow v.pcm
connections? I just lost another customer yesterday because he bought a
#$%^&*( x2 modem (and pronounced it "times two" -- AUGH!).

I know MegaZone and others can't give a firm date, but is v.PCM in 3.8?
Or perhaps in the pipeline for a February release? The article I quoted
above seems to indicate that Lucent has been sending its v.pcm chips to the
other big two, and vice-vice-versa, to ensure compatibility.

Anyone have any comment?
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