Re: (PM) Lost Carrier Statistics

Dick St.Peters (
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 11:36:23 -0500

Jason Hatch writes:
> My site-wide average ratio of Lost-Carrier
> disconnects to logins seems to be about 1:5, with some as low as 1:12 and
> some as high as 1:2.5. I am using this as a guide to find ports that have
> extremely high disconnect rates.
> Has anyone here attempted to extract similar statistics, and if so, what
> would you say your average is? Is 1:5 (20%) a high rate of disconnect, or
> is it pretty much an acceptable ratio?

Not long ago I did a similar analysis for a month of connections to 8
PM2s with USR MP/16 Couriers. I found they varied from 18% lost
carrier (1:5.5) to 11% (1:9).

When I looked to see _who_ was accounting for the lost carriers, I
found they were mostly users who had been around for some time and
began with Trumpet. Since Trumpet (older versions, at least) just
hangs up without first negotiating a termination, lost carrier is its
_normal_ disconnect reason.

When I did a similar analysis of data about a year old for one of the
same PMs, I got a significantly higher percentage of lost carriers -
around 25% (1:4) as I recall, although I didn't record it. I think
the decline in lost carriers was due to Trumpet users changing to
something else, presumably mostly to Win95.

Our PM3s show _much_ lower lost-carrier percentages. I suspect this
is mostly because we kept our analog service; people who have any
problems holding connections to PM3s choose to use our analog

Dick St.Peters, 
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1-800-910-6671 (voice)
	  First Internet service based in the 518 area code

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