(PM) Problems with E1 Fract in Europe, Anyone?

Wed, 04 Feb 1998 12:56:49 -0000 (WET)


We are setting up our 9th portmaster PM3 but our first using the line1 as a
Fractional E1.
I set it up, groupped two channels with
set line1 group 1 channels 1 2
and after the reboot I had my w32 interface

The problem is that i could not make the link establish. Is there anything, any
trick we should know about setting up a E1 in a PM3? I've setup a coupple on
Cisco's 4700 with no problem... Any ideias?

The local "portmaster guru" said that PM3 want the signal channel of the E1 on
channel 1 (local telco does what I presume CCITT saiz and put's it in channel
0). Could that be the problem?

Thanks in advance!

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