Fwd: (PM) IP's , PM3, and PM2eR as a router

Mia's Virtual Post Office (list@mia.net)
Tue, 3 Feb 98 18:51:05 -0000

Ok, I must admit, most times, I haven't a clue... But I learn fast and
enjoy the info on this list.. I have a big question, which hopefully has
a small answer. I poped my PM3 in the rack last night (Still waiting on
Ameritech for the line) Anyway, here is the set up, please let me know if
this makes sense...

PM2eR currently in place with our T1 through the CSU, have the PM2eR
pluged into CSU and the Ether Hub.... I assume that I can plug the PM3
into the Hub, give it an address of the current slew of IP's running
through the PM2eR and then take the additional new set of IP's my Upscale
provider is giving me for the PM3 and set the pool for the PM3? Then
plug the CT1 into the PM3 and all is well? Basically , I am looking at
using the PM2eR as a router so to speak, its perfect for everthing else,
plus although we are going digital, we will still have analog for the
dedicated line users. What I am looking for is the easiest way to make
this transistion, and zero down time. Any thoughts appreciated as

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