(PM) PRI and CT1 at the same time!

D. Germain (dg@webnet.qc.ca)
Tue, 03 Feb 1998 16:24:15 -0500


We are supposed to change two CT1 in a PM3 for 2 PRI. But in the mean time
we are waiting for another PRI (it would be installed in 2 weeks after the
transfer of the CT1).

Our other equipment (that will receive the new PRI) only work with PRI. So
I was thinking of using - temporarily - one of the PRI to deserve the other
equipment and let the PM3 work with one PRI and one CT1.

Does anyone have this kind of setup?
Can the PM3 work with both type of T1 simultaneous on line0 and line1?
Is there any thing I should be aware of?

Thank you all !


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