Re: (PM) mulaw vs alaw (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 16:05:50 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Stephen Fisher shaped the electrons to say...
>MULAW? Don't you mean ULAW?

It is actually the Greek charavrer 'MU' - but since that is basically
the english 'u' in appearance is is usually written in ASCII as u-law,
so people pronounce it 'you' instead of 'mu'.

However, technically it is pronounced 'mu-law' - written u-law, and the
other, less confusing, is a-law.

>They are both ways of "encoding" the PCM traffic. Almost, if not, always
>T1's use U-LAW and E1's use A-LAW.

u-law is used in North America and Japan, a-law is the rest of the world.
AFAIK. Using the wrong encoding has some WEIRD results.


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