Re: (PM) Re: CSU (fwd)

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Sun, 1 Feb 98 13:32:49 -0000

MegaZone uttered:

>Once upon a time Mia's Virtual Post Office shaped the electrons to say...
>>I am a bit confused too. I see where the CT1 line plugs in, but where do
>>I plug in my T-1 line? Into the ethernet spot? If I do that, then how
>Line0 and Line1 are used for FullT1/FracT1/ChannelizedT1 leased lines,
>and ChannelizedT1 and PRI dialin.
>Ethernet is Ethernet, of course.
Still does not make sense... So, I have one RJ45 slot to which I can plug
either my T-1 or the CT-1? So either no one can dial up but the PM3 will
be connected to the internet, or people can dial up, but the PM3 will not
be connected to the internet? Do you see where I am going here?
Something is missing. If the PM3 has a built in CSU\DSU, wouldn't I plug
the T-1 into the PM3? But I still need to get the CT1 in there somehow,
so that people can dial this thing up?

I guess what I am saying is, I have one Line0 port, and two things that
must be pluged in:
A CT1 and a T-1.. Where???

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