(PM) Intermittent DNS question (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Sat, 29 Nov 1997 22:27:36 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Mike Carlson shaped the electrons to say...
>one at the remote POP frequently fails to do DNS lookups (this isn't where
>you check and some are resolved, some not...that's normal) and then
>suddenly all DNS lookups work great.

That is normal. We do not wait for DNS to reply for everything - we do
not consider it important. So if we haven't received all DNS replies
in time you see the IPs. The local machine has a faster path to/from the
DNS server, so you probably won't see it much there if at all.

We cache the replies though, so when you check again later you may find
everything is looked up. And it may also change depending on the load on
the WAN link.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
Phone: 800-458-9966 510-737-2100 FAX: 510-737-2110 megazone@livingston.com
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