(PM) Intermittent DNS question

Mike Carlson (mike@net-quest.com)
Fri, 28 Nov 1997 23:57:20 -0800 (PST)

I have two PM3's, one of my local ether and another at a remote POP
via frame relay (both are running 3.7.2). The big difference is that the
one at the remote POP frequently fails to do DNS lookups (this isn't where
you check and some are resolved, some not...that's normal) and then
suddenly all DNS lookups work great.

The path to the DNS machine is good, with plenty of bandwidth
available. Both DNS machines aren't loaded much at all (both are almost
always at less that .1 load).

I've set and reset the DNS server entries, but that doesn't do too
much. How can I go about tracking down where the problem might be? Is
there a PM command to watch DNS traffic or some such?



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