(PM) RAM Upgrade for PM3 (2nd round)

Web Master (spider@alphanet.com.au)
Sat, 29 Nov 1997 13:14:44 +1100

Thank you for the posting on getting intouch with the "chipmerchant" but
they cannot help either, see attached!

Does Livingston sales department can help? Knowingly, SIMM is replacing by
DIMM and soon we upgrade the better.

Would a sales at LE tell which supplier that has the compatible RAM for the
PM3 please!!

Many thanks!


> From: international sales <internationalsales@mail.thechipmerchant.com>
> Subject: Order information
> We do not have the 8x36's that are single sided. The only 8x36's that we
> have are double sided and the cost of these modules are $87.00. The cost
> of shipping would be $25.00 U.S. Express Mail. If you have any further
> questions, please let us know.

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