(PM) OR-u sync port on-demand dial-out-only woes.

Jason Marshall (marshalj@spots.ab.ca)
Fri, 28 Nov 1997 16:51:34 -0700 (MST)

Why is this proving to be so difficult? I've done on-demand dial-out a
number of times using the OR-u (but with ISDN rather than analog, and to
another OR-u (our PRIs are outbound-only to save money)).

I'm using the "console" port on the remote OR-u to dial out to a PM3
on demand. I've been led to believe that this is a "normal" thing to do.
Anyway... It's not working on demand! I have to manually bring up the
connection before anything happens.

For the purpose of this discussions, I will refer to our "main" network as
"local", and the network I'm trying to get attached from as "remote".

The local network is, and the remote network is

On the OR-u I have the following configuration. I've tried a million
different things, so I am *not* saying that what you see here is perfect.
However, it does work for everything except forcing the modem to dial on
demand (ie, the link works properly after I've manually dialed)...

Here is the location that I set up. When it calls in, RADIUS assigns the
link an address of If I don't put in the local_ip bit,
the OR-u insists on asking for the ethernet interface's address, which
won't work.

Location: spots Type: On Demand
Destination: Negotiated Netmask:
Local IP:
Protocol: PPP Options: Quiet, Compression
Group: 1 Max Ports: 1
Idle Timeout: 5 minutes High Mark: 0 bytes
Mtu: 1500 Async Map: 00000000
Username: test Password: blahblah
Telephone: 9,2320987

Here is the routing table. After I bring the link up manually, the
"Unknown" changes to a real ptp interface name, as you'd expect.

Destination Mask Gateway Source Flag Met Interface
----------------- ---- -------------------- ------- ---- --- --------- 24 local NL 1 ether0 0 local NS 1 Unknown

Here are the "sh ether0" settings; pretty normal, I'd think:

Ethernet Status: IP - Enabled IPX - Disabled

Interface Addr:
Broadcast Address:

IPX Network: 00000000
IPX Frame Type: ETHERNET_802.2
Ethernet Address: 00:c0:05:03:1c:f7

Routing: Quiet (Off)
Input Filter:
Output Filter:

Here is the output from "sh glob" -- the only relevant part is probably
the gateway:

System Name: or1
Default Host:
Alternate Hosts:
IP Gateway:
Gateway Metric: 1
Default Routing: Quiet (Off)
Name Service: DNS
Name Server:
Telnet Access Port: 23
Maximum PMconsole: 1
Assigned Address:
RADIUS Server:
Alternate Server:
Accounting Server:
Alt. Acct. Server:
PPP Authentication: PAP: on CHAP: off
ISDN Switch Type: NI-1
Disabled Modules: IPX OSPF

And last but not least, here is the output of "sh s0" which is the async

----------------------- Current Status - Port S0 ---------------------------
Status: IDLE
Input: 14 Parity Errors: 0
Output: 8 Framing Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
Modem Status: DCD- CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration (* = Host
-------------------- --------------------- Can Override)
Port Type: Login/Netwrk Login/Netwrk (Dial In & Out) (Security)
Login Service: Rlogin Rlogin
Baud Rates: 115200 115200,115200,115200
Databits: 8 8
Stopbits: 1 1
Parity: none none
Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
Modem Control: on on
Modem Config: Configured usr-v34
Hosts: default

Terminal Type: vt100
Login Prompt: $hostname login:
Dial Group: 1

Any ideas? I'm pretty well stumped here... This router is going to be
connected to a small network in Venezuela where I will NOT have access to
it if it decides to stop calling out on demand... Any suggestions are
more than welcome, of course.

| Jason Marshall, marshalj@spots.ab.ca. Spots InterConnect, Inc. Calgary, AB |

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