(PM) flakey modem?

Lee Verberne (necromancer@net-2000.net)
Fri, 28 Nov 1997 11:47:39 +0000

I am having a problem with my modems in that on certain modems they
will give a static filled handshake. Client modems obviously won't
connect. A reboot solves the problem, but only for about 5 hours.
Has anyone else had a problem like this?

It is my belief that I have a flakey modem in there somewhere. What
steps could I take to make sure that one of the modems is bad?

Livingston PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.7.2
System uptime is 20 minutes
C0 type 2
C1 type 2
C2 type 2
C3 type 2
C4 type 2

I was wondering if there was an easier way to find out besides
guessing which modems were bad, removing them, waiting 5 hours, and
finding out. This problem is effectively limiting me to only about
20 connects.


Lee Verberne						Net-2000 Internet Services
necromancer@net-2000.net				http://www.net-2000.net
		Assistant SysAdmin / Site Developer / Technician
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