Re: (PM) Anyone using NT Mulitlink? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 22:11:54 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Philip Michael Blancett shaped the electrons to say...
>and I just tried it with a internal and external
>US Robotics 33.6 on one of my servers. I had
>Mulitlink enabled but they didn't bond. In the latest

We do not yet support MP on the modems, only ISDN>

>They also stated it was possible with TA's, analog
>modem, Frame Relay to and match and their connection

Frame Relay isn't PPP. Yes, there is PPP over Frame Relay, but don't
go there...

>So with a high speed serial card and 2 Bitsurfers
>you don't think it is possible to make Multilink
>work? What hardware setup do you think will.

I doubt this will work. Since you need ONE source of MP. What happens
with Bitsurfers is the BITSURFER runs MP INTERNALLY. So instead of one
MP session with 4 lines, you have 2 MP sessions of 2 lines each.

I think you will need an internal ISDN card that has 2 BRIs, or two 1 BRI
card that are confirmed to use the NT MP stack and not their own.


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