Re: (PM) 3.7.2 and 56K

Christophe Prevotaux (
Mon, 24 Nov 1997 12:10:51 +0000

Yes we were told the same things
and we had equal success :(

Lars-Göran Nilsson wrote:
> Hi,
> We've had the same problem with the Aceex Modem's and i've contacte'd
> livingston's techsupport but all i was told to do was to add 2-4 commmas
> and wish that it worke'd, but well it didn't.
> We've also had some problem with Dynalink modem's, but they're dropping
> speed instead.
> Mainly the Aceex modem's are really old, from the first day's of v.34 and
> it might have something to do with that..
> Dunno, but the dynalink are spanking new k56flex modem's.
> I've also tried to contact aceex but without result.
> >> Has anyone after installing 3.7.2 experienced any troubles with users
> >> not getting 56K connections? We've been getting many calls from
> >> customers here about users unable to get past 28.8 with many 56K modems
> >> since we upgraded to the new comOS. This combined with the random
> >> reboots is going to drive us back to a working 3.7.
> >
> >Our problems is mostly with Aceex (a common brand in Sweden) and some
> >versions of USR Sportsters. Most problems with sportsters is gone with
> >3.7.2, but Aceex is still a big problem here.
> >
> >A hint: Some versions of Aceex and Sportsters prefers V.FC connections
> >with our Sportsters in the old modempool even if both sides is V.34.
> >So I think the problem is that the PM3 doesn't support V.FC and the
> >connecting modem wants V.FC by some reason (like S-registers set to
> >disable V.34).
> >
> >
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Christophe Prevotaux		| HEXANET SARL
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