Re: (PM) Is ComOS affected by a land.c attack ? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 23 Nov 1997 02:19:37 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time NOT a LE employee shaped the electrons to say...
>Livingston Office Router (ISDN) IS vulnerable
>Livingston PM ComOS 3.3.3 NOT vulnerable
>Livingston PM ComOS 3.5b17 + 3.7.2 NOT vulnerable
>Livingston PM ComOS 3.7L NOT vulnerable
>Livingston Enterprise PM 3.4 2L NOT vulnerable

3.4.2L is an OR release. And I find it HIGHLY unlikely that an OR would
be vulnerable when nothing else is. Unless maybe it was running some
old OS - I don't know if it is OS level related.


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