Re: (PM) Is ComOS affected by a land.c attack ?

Russ Hughes (
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 22:22:11 -0800 (PST)

> Yes, but this still allows them to mess with each other, and still spoof IP
> addresses, they simply spoof a different IP, but one assigned to that box,
> so now somebody else gets blamed, or your logs reveal that the address
> wasn't assigned at the time.

Maybe a slight modification to choicenet could allow this. This would
have the side effect of fixing my Max4000 as well: "gee boss the max don't
work with choicenet, guess we'll just have to replace it with a pm3" :)

Or as you suggest a new option to ComOS that wont accept a packet over a
dialin that is not within the ip and netmask assigned to the port.


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