Re: (PM) Stac comp in raddb/users

Aaron (
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 22:24:16 -0600

>It was just an example. Another would be allowing some ISDN customers to
>use compression and not others (and charge extra for the priviledge).
>There is a big difference in potential bandwidth usage between 2
>B-channels no compression and 2 B-channels with compression.
>By the way, a fast Windows 95 machine using STAC has the potential to use
>20 to 30 percent more bandwidth than a fast Windows 95 machine using

Just Wondering, if you're giving unlimited access for $X.XX per month, do
you charge the people w/ 14.4 modems 1/2 price? Or With 56k modems would
they then become "full price" and 33.6-28.8 become 2/3 and 14.4's become
1/3 price?
Just wondering cause the way i do it, i charge one price per month for
modem access (not isdn) whatever bandwidth losses there may be for the
customer's with the P2-300mhz 56k Stac Compression are more than made up
for by the ones who still have 14.4's Chugging along on their 386's (Yes
they still exist!)

Another question.. To the readers of this list.. how many isp's still bill
hourly, or per MB, or whatever, instead of flat rate? I'd think it would be
hard to compete if you weren't..

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