Re: (PM) Double Login

Brian Elfert (
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 16:55:27 -0600 (CST)

On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, Jacob Suter wrote:

> And well.. Double logins are a problem. Apparently Livingston is still
> in the belief all their customers are corporate customers or something
> and don't seem to believe that people ABUSE ISPs out in the world.
> There is a moderatly decent hack out there for the price of $499
> ('s pmmon-2.0)... I'd love to see it work, but he's
> apparently quit giving out test releases and I'm not gonna blow $500 on
> a hack I haven't seen work yet.

Have you ignored all the messages from MZ about the next generation server
coming from Livingston?

It WILL have support for detection of double logins. You'll have to talk
with Livingston for a release date on the new server.


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