Re: (PM) Trying a PM3 again ....

Doug Ingraham (
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 11:04:35 -0700 (MST)

On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Nov 1997, Beth Montes wrote:
> > We're considering once again trying a PM3, after a rather
> > disastrous attempt at using one a number of months ago.
> > We suffered from connection problems -- connections
> > weren't successfully established or maintained for quite a
> > few of our users.
> Its all fixed.
> > I understand that most of the PM3 connection problems are
> > now resolved. We have NO connection problems with our
> > USR TC's, but I want to offer a Flex solution. What's the real
> > life experience of those on this list with PM3's? Will I be
> > happy with how they now connect to nearly everything out
> > there??
> We have NO problems anymore.

I wouldn't go that far. There are still a few connection problems but
those are minimal. We don't see many disconnects for unknown reasons.
What we do see is lag. The quake players cannot use PM-3's. I don't have
any idea of the cause but I see it when I am telented in and just typing.
The K56flex connections seem to be the worst in this regard. They retrain
or renegotiate far too often for good interactive use. For web browsing
and downloads they are fine.

I have one PM-3 box that died! Raised switch 0 and connected a cable to
the diag/conf port and power cycled. Nothing. Called Support in the
morning and they suggested we reload COMOS. I said it couldn't hurt to
try it again and the darn box was working fine after being powered off
over night. I think it has a bad power supply and will fail again and I
want to send it in but if I was Livingston I would get it and test it and
it would be fine. I hate intermittant problems!

My other 4 boxes are fine and until 2 days ago I would have said all 5
were fine. No reboots, no dead air, just chugging along answering calls.

CT1, ESF/B8ZS, E&M wink and 202 lines over all the boxes.

Doug Ingraham "Coffee should always be served a little too hot to drink
Rapid City, SD at first. It forces you to slow down and savor the
USA experience." Major Kira, Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

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