Re: (PM) PRI & CT1 on same PM3 (fwd)

Tim Flavin (
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 10:00:30 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997, Jake Messinger wrote:

> yOn Wed, 19 Nov 1997, Tim Flavin wrote:
> > Yes, from 2 different telco's, but you can do b8zs and ami on the same
> > box, what I need is NI-2 and DMS-100 on the same box which you cannot do.
> > So my work around is to take service from a 3rd telco, and take it as CT1
> > so I don't have half a PM3 sitting there idle for a long time to come.
> Ahh, that sounds right since you can set the t1 tyoe on each but you canly
> set 1 PRI signaling type.
> I dont think it will ever do this because this is probably a rare case.
> Youactually have 2 hunt group numbers too?

I'm thinking it may be rare as well, but how hard would it really be I

The 1 PRI that is different from all the others is an 800 number, served
be a different telco, my LD carrier, and it's off a switch 3 cities away.

I will be starting up yet a nother hunt group of service from MFS as they
just got approval to do local service in St Louis, and with all the CLEC's
turning up all over the country, I don't think it will become very rare at
all for customers to want/need to do 2 switch types.

Think about the micro ISP with a single PM3 and 1 PRI, they happen to be
in a city that has a CLEC, and they decide to offer dialup service from
both telco in an effort to make even their dailup pool redundant, but
telco A will only provide NI-2, and telco B, the CLEC can only do DMS-100
and NI-2 is way off after the next switch load.

Tim Flavin Internet Access for St Louis & Chicago
Internet 1st, Inc Toll Free Sales & Support 800-875-3173 For more information email

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