Re: (PM) WebTV modems/PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 19:22:25 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time MegaZone shaped the electrons to say...
>You seen the new WebTV Plus unit? Has a harddrive, can have certain
>printers attached, 56K modem (I think K56flex), and other bells and whistles.
>Word is MS plans to change the OS to Windows CE. Yes, I'm serious.

Ok, I hate not providing full info:

7. What is the WebTV. Plus System?

The WebTV Plus system is comprised of the WebTV Plus Receiver,
distributed by Sony, Philips and Mitsubishi, and the WebTV Plus
Network. The WebTV Plus System provides an Enhanced Television
experience by giving people a better way to choose which shows to
watch and to enjoy more entertainment, information and services that
uniquely complement those shows.

The key benefits of the WebTV Plus System:

Gives viewers more control over what to watch

Offline TV Listings provide instant access to full 24 hours of TV

Updated daily and customized to local cable and broadcast system
Improved Internet experience

A 1.1 GB hard drive enables local storage of information and
applications for immediate access to information and features without
having to connect to the network service and wait for the information
to be downloaded.

Fast connection speeds through a 56Kflex Rockwell modem

Integrated printer port supports popular HP and Canon printers
Enhanced TV programming through integration of TV and Internet

WebPIP lets users view Web pages and TV programming simultaneously on
the same screen, without a special picture-in-picture TV

TV Crossover Links complement and enhance TV programs by providing an
instant way for viewers to access integrated Web sites that are
directly related to many of the most popular TV programs.

8. How is the WebTV Plus System different than the original WebTV

The original WebTV Internet Terminal remains an easy, affordable way
to access entertainment and information on your TV using the power of
the Internet. The new WebTV Plus system more tightly integrates
Internet and television programming to dramatically enhance the TV
viewing experience. It is a higher performance system that does all of
what WebTV does plus it provides: TV Listings to help users find out
what's on TV and go there quickly; WebPIP to give the ability to
simultaneously view the Internet and TV; and TV Crossover Links for
direct access to entertainment and information that uniquely
complements TV shows.

9. If I already have a WebTV can I access the WebTV Plus Network?

The WebTV Plus Network is only available in conjunction with the WebTV
Plus Receiver. The Receiver has several key components, such as a
cable-ready tuner, hard drive, and 3D graphics engine, that enable it
to exclusively run the WebTV Plus Network.

10. Does WebTV Plus support everything the original product does?

Yes, the WebTV Plus Network has everything in WebTV plus TV Listings,
WebPIP, and TV Crossover Links. The WebTV Plus Receiver supports
everything the WebTV Internet Terminal supports except for a PC
keyboard input.

BTW, this is from <URL:>

ISPs will want to look at <URL:>

This is interesting <URL:>


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