Re: (PM) ComOS 3.7.2 and Reboots (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 17:29:36 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Willem Jan Withagen shaped the electrons to say...
>Doesn't work for European customers. They are told to use the channels
>for this. Which make it a very sluggish interface. :-(

Yes, outside of the Americas support is run differently. We don't do
direct support, the VARs are supposed to provide front line, and we
support the VARs. That's just how the system was setup.

However, if the VARs are not providing good support - TELL US. We don't
have a way of knowing if a VAR isn't getting answers out unless we are

If you are in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) territory, you can email

If you are in the Asia-Pacific territory, you can email

State up front that you've talked to the VAR and they haven't helped over
a period of X days or whatever. We are not the type of company that wants
customers left hanging in the wind...

But do not abuse these channels. Direct support requests are likely to be
refered back to the VAR if you haven't tried them, that is how the system


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